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Robert Schwenkler


Leadership, Brotherhood of Men


Los Angeles


My work is “coaching” beyond consciousness. It is healing at the level of personal, generational, and spiritual trauma. It is expanding and deepening at the levels that our cognitive minds will never be able to access.

Robert Schwenkler leads men’s workshops internationally and has helped private clients from across 3 continents to triple their revenue, rekindle the passion in their relationships, and find deep levels of inner peace.

Many of his clients have achieved extraordinary success in past lives as Army Sniper Instructors, Hollywood Directors, and private yoga instructors to Saudi Arabian Princes.

What they all hold in common is a commitment to live in full alignment with their deepest life purpose.


Personal Statement

In 2014, as I was making a dramatic life, career, and relationship transition I had the insight that I’d never actually had men in my life that I truly looked up to. Ones who’s lives and ways of being I might be excited to model my own path from.

So I did what any reasonable person who’s completely recreating their life would do… I set out on a road trip for 6 months around the United States to meet and interview those men.

It’s important to note that when I left my career, emptied out my house, and drove away from the city I’d been living in for 12 years it’s not like I had all my plans set in place. Far from it, in fact.

I had a very rough idea of the route I’d take (East along the top of the US and back West along the bottom). I had few contacts aside from the West coast. There were BIG gaps route, interview, and housing-wise that I ended up filling only along the way.

I networked while I traveled. Sometimes I didn’t know where I’d be staying or who I’d be talking to next week, but I kept asking for support and kept finding that, for the most part, people were more than happy to support me and my mission.

When the dust had settled I’d literally made a loop around the entire US, up and down the West coast multiple times, and then some. Over 6 months I slept in over 50 peoples’ homes, beds, and couches.

When I took the time to look back at what had happened during that time it was very touching to realize just how supported I was in this world. I was stunned to realize that over 90% of the places I ended up staying people ended giving me my own room (and sometimes even my own house), for free – all because they were inspired by me, my travels, and my larger mission to make a ripple in our culture’s relationship to masculinity.

As I traveled I asked men (and a couple women) the questions I was curious about, and we had some extraordinary conversations. I didn’t release everything I recorded – the episodes you’ll find here are the ones I felt most excited to share with the world.

As a culture we’ve been offered an abundance of stories about what a man is supposed to be. We’ve been shown how he dresses, who he dates, what emotions he’s permitted to feel, etc. ad nauseam.

But I believe that it’s the raw human parts that lie beneath our stoicism, technical know-how, or strong bodies that truly attract others to us. It’s our rough edges and vulnerabilities that not only give the people we love something to deeply identify and connect with, but allow us the experience of intimacy and fulfillment that we all yearn for.

This is the underlying premise of Reclaiming Male Role Models.

If you’re new here and are wondering where to start, here’s a short list of some of the most listened to episodes, or you can click here to go to the “Podcasts” page and scroll down til you find a topic that’s inspiring to you.

Happy listening! I’m glad you’re here.